Coming Up: Egypt with The Village Experience, December 7-17, 2018.

Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

(317) 445-6365

Do Good in the World

Do Good in the World

Join me on my adventures with The Village Experience

Join me on my adventures with The Village Experience

About Me

My Background

I am Indianapolis' longest running Airbnb SuperHost (Vintage Racer & Bird's Nest); real estate investor, rehabber & landlord; traveler to over 50 countries; B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Maryland; lover of sunflowers; and joined at the hip with my best buddy and pal, Bailey Boy.

How I Got Started

It all started in Guatemala in the early 1980s during their Civil War when our car broke down in the middle of guerilla warfare on our trek to see the great ruins of Tikal.  That was a really bad day but we survived... and I was hooked.

Top Destinations



East Africa

Grand Canyon, USA




Garden Cay & BVIs